Determining what school year your child is in depends on their age and the grade level they are enrolled in. The age requirements for each grade level vary by state and territory in the United States. Here is a general overview of the age ranges for each grade level:
- Preschool: 2-3 years old
- Pre-kindergarten: 4 years old
- Kindergarten: 5-6 years old
- Elementary School: 1st Grade (6-7 years old), 2nd Grade (7-8 years old), 3rd Grade (8-9 years old), 4th Grade (9-10 years old), 5th Grade (10-11 years old)
- Middle School: 6th Grade (11-12 years old), 7th Grade (12-13 years old), 8th Grade (13-14 years old)
- High School: 9th Grade (Freshman) (14-15 years old), 10th Grade (Sophomore) (15-16 years old), 11th Grade (Junior) (16-17 years old), 12th Grade (Senior) (17-18 years old)
To determine what school year your child is in, you can use their date of birth and the age ranges for each grade level in your state or territory.