At three months old, babies are developing rapidly and reaching many milestones. Here are some things that three-month-old babies should be doing:
Physical development: Babies at this age will have better control of their head movements and will start to hold their head up when theyre sitting up. When given tummy time, they might roll from their front to their back, lift up their head, or push up their chest with their hands. They may also be able to reach for objects and bat at hanging objects with their hands.
Social development: By three months, babies will have formed a strong attachment to their caregivers and should be responding to them with lots of smiles. They may even talk back in their own way. Babies now like to play with people and can clap their hands together or stretch them out wide.
Sleep: Babies up to three or four months old need 14 to 16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, usually waking every two to four hours to eat.
Senses: At three months, babies hearing and vision are improving. They can recognize the outline of a face when someone enters the room and may smile at you from across the room. They also love listening to all kinds of music.
Milestones: Babies at this age should be able to raise their head and chest when placed on their abdomen, bring their hands or objects to their mouth, look at their hands, follow light, faces, and objects, and listen to sounds. They may also be beginning to reach their hands to objects and hold, then drop a rattle or other object.
Its important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, and some may reach milestones earlier or later than others. If you have concerns about your babys development, talk to your doctor or maternal child health nurse.