At 2 months old, babies are growing and developing quickly. Here are some things a 2-month-old baby might be doing:
- Physical development: At this age, babies are starting to coordinate their movements and can move more smoothly and in more of a circular motion. They will kick both legs strongly and will be very wriggly. They may even roll over (though this usually occurs later), so don’t ever leave them alone on a change table. They may also be able to lift their head and move it from side to side. Its important to give them tummy time to help them practice lifting their head up.
- Communication: Babies at this age communicate mostly by crying, but you may hear a few gurgles, grunts, and even some sweet coos. They should recognize your face and voice, and respond to them. You might even see the first adorable hint of a smile. One of the most important things you can do at this age is talk to your baby. Even though 2-month-old babies can’t talk back, they will respond to the sound of your voice, and it will encourage them to start forming their own first words in the coming months.
- Sensory stimulation: Babies are captivated by high-contrast patterns and vibrant hues, so providing plenty of sensory-stimulating opportunities, such as brightly colored toys, infant play gyms, mobiles, and anything else your baby can bat at, can help with their development. You can also let them look at and feel a variety of objects with different designs, colors, and shapes.
- Cuddling and holding: Spending time cuddling and holding your baby can help them feel safe and cared for. You will not spoil your baby by holding or responding to them. Being responsive to your baby helps them learn and grow.
- Feeding: Babies should be fed only breast milk or formula at this age. They are not ready for other foods, water, or other drinks for about the first 6 months of life.
- Limiting screen time: Limiting screen time when you are with your baby helps you be responsive to them. Screen time is not recommended for children younger than 2 years of age.
Its important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so dont worry if your baby isnt doing everything on this list yet.