what should a 3 month old be doing

what should a 3 month old be doing

1 year ago 43

At three months old, babies are growing bigger and becoming more aware every day. They are settling into a schedule and giving parents some much-needed rest. Here are some developmental milestones that a three-month-old baby should be reaching:

  • Physical Development:

    • Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
    • Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach
    • Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back
    • Brings hands or objects to mouth
    • Looks at hands
    • Follows light, faces, objects
    • Holds, then drops a rattle or other object
    • Beginning to reach hands to objects, may bat at hanging object with hands
    • Turns head from side to side when placed on abdomen
    • Active leg movements
    • Better control of head movements and can hold their head up when sitting up
    • May roll from their front to their back, lift up their head or push up their chest with their hands during tummy time
  • Cognitive Development:

    • Recognizes familiar voices, especially of their parents
    • Smiles in response to others
    • Responds to social contact, may coo
    • Moves arms, legs, body in rhythm with other’s voice
    • Starts to recognize parents from farther distances
    • Spends hours inspecting their hands and watching their movements
  • Sleep:

    • Babies up to 3 or 4 months old need 14 to 16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, usually waking every two to four hours to eat
    • By 3 months, many babies start to ‘sleep through’ (which means sleeping for 5 or 6 hours at a stretch at night)
  • Personality:

    • Shows budding personality and may be serious, silly, gregarious, pe...
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