what should a 5 month old be doing

what should a 5 month old be doing

1 year ago 38

At 5 months old, babies are growing and developing quickly. Here are some things a 5-month-old baby may be doing:

  • Physical development: Babies at this age are learning to move their bodies more by reaching, wriggling, and rolling. They can move their head on their own and are starting to use their eyes to guide their hands. They can reach out for objects with one hand, grab things, and put them in their mouth or move them from hand to hand. They may enjoy sitting up while propped with pillows and may soon roll over in both directions. Its important to do tummy time with your baby to help them develop strong neck and shoulder muscles.

  • Cognitive development: Babies at this age are learning about the world around them and how they fit into it. They can discern tiny items and lots of colors and track moving objects. They may be able to swipe at dangling objects with their hands and shake and stare at an object or toy placed in their hands. They may also become bored if left alone for too long.

  • Social development: Babies at this age are becoming more social and may be showing off big emotions. They may fuss when you leave the room, reward you with sloppy kisses, and squeal with delight when you use funny voices. They may also be fearful of strangers and get good at telling you what they need.

  • Feeding: Babies at this age are growing quickly and their appetite is growing too. They may be ready to experience how different foods taste and feel, and around 6 months is a good time to introduce solid foods. Its important to introduce one new food every three to five days to see if any allergies or other reactions appear. Breast milk or formula should still be their main diet at 5 months.

  • Sleeping: Babies at this age may be sleeping for longer stretches and enjoying larger, less-frequent feedings. A lifetime of good sleep for your baby will depend on your little one learning how to fall asleep unassisted.

Its important to play with your baby every day and do activities that support their development. You can read books, sing songs, do tummy time, play with toys, and make funny sounds ...

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