what should a 7 month old baby be doing

what should a 7 month old baby be doing

1 year ago 35

At 7 months old, babies are developing their motor skills and becoming more independent. Here are some things a 7-month-old baby may be doing:

  • Rolling back and forth from tummy to back and back to tummy
  • Sitting leaning forward on hands at first, then unsupported
  • Bouncing when supported to stand
  • Crawling up a storm (or not, since crawling is not considered a developmental “must-do”)
  • Getting around more independently as they learn to scoot, crawl, or walk
  • Exploring the textures and surfaces of their home and yard
  • Babbling a lot and starting to mimic the sound of language
  • Getting excited when you enter a room and calling for you in the middle of the night
  • Playing with objects and toys that have different shapes, colors, sizes, and textures

In addition to physical development, its important to ensure that a 7-month-old baby is getting proper nutrition. They should be getting 11 milligrams of iron a day by offering iron-fortified formula or cereal as well as other iron-rich foods (once they start eating solids), including meat, chicken, fish, eggs, avocado, broccoli, and spinach.

Parents can support their babys development by talking and reading to them, listening and responding to their babbles, and taking them on walks or other outings. Playing with a 7-month-old is fun, and parents can spend plenty of time reading together and talking about the pictures to help develop their imagination. They can also talk to their baby whenever they are together, describing the world around them and telling them what they are doing around the house.

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