what should a 9 month old be doing

what should a 9 month old be doing

1 year ago 39

At 9 months old, babies are becoming more mobile and may be crawling, pulling up to standing, and even walking holding onto furniture. They are also developing their communication skills and may be able to use gestures to indicate what they need and imitate actions theyve seen you do. According to the CDC, most babies at this age are shy, clingy, or fearful around strangers. Some other things that a 9-month-old baby may be doing include:

  • Playing games like peek-a-boo and waving "bye-bye"
  • Crawling, scooting, or rolling to reach toys that are placed just out of reach
  • Using simple baby sign language to communicate
  • Adopting a soft pal or blanket as a security object
  • Reading emotions on your face

Its important to provide your baby with consistent and warm contact so that they feel secure and loved. Additionally, babies at this age need 12 to 16 hours of sleep a day (including naps) . Finally, parents should make sure their home is safe for their baby, as they are becoming more mobile and curious.

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