what should be the platelet count for dengue

what should be the platelet count for dengue

1 year ago 35

The platelet count for dengue patients can vary depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of other complications. According to the DHS guidelines, platelet transfusion should be given to patients with a platelet count less than 20,000/cumm. However, a recent study found that only about 5% of dengue patients with critically low platelet counts require transfusions, as long as they do not have other complications. The normal platelet count in a human body ranges from 1.5 to 4 lakh, but in dengue, the platelet count can drastically fall below 1.5 lakh. About 80 to 90% of patients with dengue will have levels below 100,000, while 10 to 20% of patients will see critically low levels of 20,000 or less. Platelets are small blood cells produced in the bone marrow, and the low platelet count in dengue means the inability of the blood to clot and the inability to fight infections.

It is important to note that platelet transfusions are not always necessary for dengue patients with low platelet counts. Most patients with critically low platelet counts will recover by themselves after a few days, and there is no difference in clinical bleeding with or without transfusion in those with a platelet count of less than 20,000 per microlitre. However, serious dengue patients who have severely low platelet counts would need medical treatment to avoid complications.

To maintain a normal platelet count in dengue fever, it is recommended to keep the bone marrow healthy by providing the body with sufficient proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Foods rich in Vitamins B-12, C, D, and K or vitamin supplements can help naturally increase the levels of platelets in the body.

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