what should be the platelet count in dengue

what should be the platelet count in dengue

1 year ago 44

The platelet count in dengue patients can vary depending on the severity of the disease. A typical person has a platelet count of between 150,000 and 250,000 per microlitre of blood. However, in dengue patients, the platelet count can drastically fall below 150,000, and in severe cases, it can drop to around twenty to forty thousand. The DHS guidelines stipulate that platelet transfusion should be given to patients with a platelet count < 20,000/cumm. However, not all dengue patients with low platelet counts need transfusions. Only about 5% of dengue patients face complications such as severe bleeding and require transfusions. Findings from a recent study show that most patients with critically low platelet counts will recover by themselves after a few days, and there is no difference in clinical bleeding with or without transfusion in those with a platelet count of less than 20,000 per microlitre. Therefore, the platelet count in dengue patients should be monitored closely, and platelet transfusion should be given only when necessary.

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