At the age of 2, children are learning by talking, playing, and interacting with others. Here are some developmental milestones that most children can do by this age:
Movement Skills: Walks, runs, climbs on and down from furniture without help, walks up and down stairs while holding on, stands on tiptoes, kicks a ball, starts to jump, and throws a ball overhand.
Language/Communication Skills: Says at least two words together, points to things in a book when asked, points to at least two body parts when asked, uses more gestures than just waving and pointing, like blowing a kiss or nodding yes, and follows simple instructions.
Social/Emotional Skills: Notices when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying, looks at your face to see how to react in a new situation, and begins to play with other children.
Cognitive Skills: Holds a crayon or pencil and scribbles, stacks four blocks or more, matches objects that are the same, and enjoys simple pretend play.
To help increase your childs learning and emotional security, consider the following:
- Let your child have a choice when possible.
- Let your child help around the house.
- Read picture and story books with your child.
- Help your child learn to wash his or her hands.
- Let your child try to take off his or her own clothes and put on some simple clothes.
- Let your child play with blocks, balls, crayons, and/or clay. Supervise play so that your child does not put objects in his or her mouth.
Its important to remember that each child develops at their own pace, so dont be alarmed if your child takes a slightly different course. However, if you notice any signs of possible developmental delay, alert your pediatrician.