what should my 9 month old be doing

what should my 9 month old be doing

1 year ago 37

At 9 months old, your baby is becoming more mobile and likes to explore. Here are some things your 9-month-old baby may be doing:

  • Crawling, pulling up to standing, and maybe even walking holding onto furniture.
  • Using gestures to indicate what they need and imitating actions theyve seen you do.
  • Mastering a delighted clap or a bye-bye wave.
  • Outgrowing some baby rattles and teethers and moving on to bigger-kid stuff.
  • Playing games, such as peek-a-boo, dumping blocks from a container and putting them back in together, and passing a toy back and forth.
  • Reading books or magazines and naming the pictures as you point to them.
  • Meeting other babies and their parents.

To support your babys healthy growth and development at this stage, you can:

  • Place toys on the ground or on a play mat a little out of reach and encourage your baby to crawl, scoot, or roll to get them.
  • Teach your baby to wave "bye-bye" or shake their head "no".
  • Play games that teach your baby to problem-solve, such as my turn, your turn.
  • Read to your baby and talk about pictures.
  • Make sure your baby gets enough sleep: 4- to 12-month-olds need 12 to 16 hours of sleep a day (including naps) .
  • Take care of yourself, so you can be a loving parent when you feel good yourself.
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