what should my baby be doing at 3 months

what should my baby be doing at 3 months

1 year ago 29

At 3 months, babies are developing rapidly and reaching many milestones. Here are some things your baby may be doing at this age:

  • Physical Development: Your baby will have better control of their head movements and may start to hold their head up when sitting up. During tummy time, your baby may roll from their front to their back, lift up their head, or push up their chest with their hands. They may also be able to reach for objects and bat at hanging objects with their hands.

  • Social Development: Your baby will begin to develop a social smile and enjoy playing with other people. They may become more communicative and expressive, and they may cry when playing stops. Your baby may also be able to recognize familiar faces and respond to social contact by cooing.

  • Language Development: Many babies this age will have expanded their speaking repertoire to be able to string together vowels and consonant sounds, like "ah-goo".

  • Cognitive Development: Your babys hearing and vision are improving, and they may be able to follow people or objects with their eyes and turn their head towards familiar voices. They may also be interested in shapes and patterns and may spot familiar faces, even at a distance.

  • Motor Skills: Your babys innate reflexes, such as the startle reflex, should be fading or gone by now. They may also be improving their neck strength and be able to hold their head up with little or no wobbling when held upright.

Remember that each baby develops at their own rate, and failure to reach certain milestones may signal medical or developmental problems requiring special attention. If you notice any warning signs in your infant, such as not responding to noises or not following people or objects with their eyes, discuss them with your pediatrician.

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