At 8 months, babies are busy exploring, learning, moving around, and engaging in more sophisticated interactions and play. Here are some things your baby might be doing at 8 months based on the search results:
Motor skills: By 8 months, most babies can roll over in both directions, sit without support, and may be crawling or shuffling on their bottom. They may also be able to pull themselves up to a standing position on furniture and start cruising around using the furniture for support.
Communication: Your baby’s ability to communicate is expanding daily, and you’ll notice them attempting to use sounds, gestures, and facial expressions to get your attention and let you know what they want. They may also be babbling, copying sounds, and making noises to get your attention.
Play: At this age, your baby especially enjoys playing with you and copying what you do. They may be exploring everything around them, ringing bells, banging blocks, and finding hidden objects. Playtime is more fun all the time, and you can stimulate your baby by describing how things work, how they are used, and how they are different.
Feeding: By 8 months, your baby may be eating more solids and practicing self-feeding with their fingers or a small spoon. The best first finger foods are bananas, toast, pasta, well-cooked meat, and cereal. However, avoid serving any hard or gooey candy, chunks of peanut butter, raw, firm vegetables or fruit, and large chunks of cheese, meat, and poultry.
Sleep: Your 8-month-old baby will still need about 14 hours of sleep during a 24-hour day, including a nap or two during the day. Some babies will only nap for less than an hour, and some will wake up a lot at night.
To help your babys development at this age, you can encourage moving and exploring, spend time playing outdoors, and make your home safe so your baby can move around without getting hurt. If you have any concerns or questions about your babys growth and development, its a good idea to see your child and family health nurse or GP.