what should my daily move goal be

what should my daily move goal be

1 year ago 32

The ideal move goal for an individual depends on various factors such as age, gender, height, weight, activity level, and weight goals. However, there are some general guidelines that can help determine an appropriate move goal. Here are some tips from the search results:

  • Calculate your BMR: To determine your total daily calorie needs, you can use the Harris-Benedict formula. This formula takes into account your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and activity level to estimate the number of calories you burn in a day. Once you have this number, you can set your move goal to the number of calories you would like to burn in addition to your resting energy.

  • Start with a reasonable goal: For the average user, a move goal of 400 calories is a good starting point. This goal can be adjusted in the first weeks of tracking based on your habits, goals, and results.

  • Challenge yourself: Your move goal should be challenging but also maintainable. It should be a number that challenges you to stay healthy and active.

  • Consider your lifestyle: Your move goal should be based on your lifestyle and activity level. For example, if you work from home without exercising daily, a goal of 300 calories may be appropriate. If you exercise several times a week, a goal of 600 calories may be more suitable.

  • Adjust as needed: If you find that your move goal is too easy or too difficult, you can adjust it at any time.

In summary, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what your daily move goal should be. It depends on various factors, and you may need to experiment to find the right goal for you. However, starting with a move goal of 400 calories and adjusting it based on your lifestyle and activity level is a good place to start.

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