The expected values for normal fasting blood glucose concentration are between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) . For people without diabetes, the target blood sugar levels in the morning before food or water should be between 72-99 mg/dL. If fasting blood sugar is between 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L), changes in lifestyle and monitoring glycemia are recommended, as this range typically indicates prediabetes. A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests indicates diabetes. If you have high blood sugar in the morning, before eating, it could be due to hormones telling your liver to release blood sugar, or it could be due to the "dawn phenomenon" in people with prediabetes or diabetes. To keep your glucose levels in range, aim to keep your glucose levels between 70 and 130 mg/dL in the morning before eating breakfast, and between 70 and 180 mg/dL at other times. Here are the normal fasting blood sugar levels:
- Normal fasting blood sugar level: 70-100 mg/dL (3.9-5.6 mmol/L)
- Prediabetes fasting blood sugar level: 100-125 mg/dL (5.6-6.9 mmol/L)
- Diabetes fasting blood sugar level: 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests
It is important to note that these values may vary between individuals, and a healthcare professional can help identify target levels for each person.