what should progesterone levels be

what should progesterone levels be

1 year ago 40

Progesterone levels can vary depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, and can also be affected by certain medical conditions. Here are some general guidelines for progesterone levels:

  • Female (pre-ovulation): less than 1 nanogram per mililiter (ng/mL) or 3.18 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
  • Female (mid-cycle): 5 to 20 ng/mL or 15.90 to 63.60 nmol/L
  • Female (during ovulation and luteal phase): 1.8-24 ng/mL
  • Postmenopausal: less than 0.4 nmol/L
  • Pregnancy 1st trimester: 11.2 to 90.0 ng/mL or 35.62 to 286.20 nmol/L
  • Pregnancy 2nd trimester: 25.6 to 89.4 ng/mL or 81.41 to 284.29 nmol/L
  • Pregnancy 3rd trimester: 48 to 150 to 300 or more ng/mL or 152.64 to 477 to 954 or more nmol/L

Its important to note that progesterone levels can fluctuate naturally during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, so a single measurement may not be enough to determine if levels are normal. Additionally, progesterone levels can be affected by certain medical conditions, such as ovarian cysts, adrenal gland dysfunction, and some forms of cancer. If you have concerns about your progesterone levels, its best to speak with your healthcare provider.

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