what should the fridge temp be

what should the fridge temp be

1 year ago 38

The ideal temperature for a refrigerator is 37-40°F (2.8-4.4°C), according to the FDA. This temperature range helps to prevent fresh food from spoiling too quickly and slows the growth of bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses. It is important to note that the temperature controls on many refrigerators only allow you to choose from a series of numbers, usually 1 through 5, with 1 being the coldest and 5 being the warmest. Therefore, it is recommended to use a refrigerator thermometer to ensure that the temperature is within the ideal range.

For the freezer, the FDA recommends a temperature of 0°F (-18°C). Properly storing food at this temperature prevents the growth of bacteria, although it doesn’t kill any bacteria already on the food. It is also important to note that the temperature in the freezer can affect the quality of the food. For example, ice cream may become too hard if the temperature is too low.

It is worth mentioning that some sources suggest lowering the refrigerator temperature to 33-35°F (0.6-1.7°C) to increase the shelf life of food and decrease the risk of foodborne illness. However, it is important to keep in mind that refrigerators may not be a uniform temperature throughout, especially if they are close to capacity.

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