There is no right or wrong side of the nose to get pierced, and it is up to personal preference. However, there are some factors to consider when choosing the side for your nose piercing:
Hairstyle: If you have a hairstyle that covers part of one side of your face, it is usually best to put the nose piercing on the opposite side. This improves visibility and adds visual balance. Keeping hair out of a fresh piercing is also necessary for a trouble-free healing period.
Facial features: If you already have beauty marks, piercings, or other distinguishing features on one side of the face, piercing a nostril on that side can create a more cluttered appearance. You may want to pierce the opposite side of the nose.
Personal preference: If you have a strong inclination towards a particular side, its essential to honor your own style and desires.
Some people choose to pierce the left side of their nose because of cultural beliefs or traditional Chinese medicine, which associates the left side with femininity. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs. Ultimately, the choice of which side to pierce is a highly personal decision based on your style preferences, lifestyle, and comfort level.