what size does a 2yearold wear shoe

what size does a 2yearold wear shoe

1 year ago 34

The recommended shoe size for a 2-year-old child is 7. However, it is important to keep in mind that young children tend to grow at very individual rates, so it is best to measure your toddlers foot size as close to your shopping trip as possible. One way to estimate your toddlers shoe size is to double their age in years and add either 2 for a boy or 1 for a girl. This method approximates the correct size for children up to the age of 5. Another way is to stand your baby barefoot on a piece of paper and use a pencil to gently trace around each foot. Then, use a tape measure and measure the length of each foot tracing from the heel to the tip of the longest toe. Add ½ inch, or 1.3 cm, to the longest measurement to allow a little room for growth. That should give you the perfect shoe size for your baby. Because toddlers grow so quickly, you may want to purchase shoes that are a half size larger than measurements indicate.

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