what skateboard size should i get

what skateboard size should i get

1 year ago 28

Choosing the right skateboard size depends on several factors, including your riding style, height, weight, and shoe size. Here are some tips from the search results to help you pick the right size:

  • Riding Style: If you prefer street skateboarding and doing flip tricks, a narrower board (7.75-8.25 inches) may be better. If you prefer pool, ramp, or transition skating, a wider board (8.25 inches and over) may provide more stability.

  • Shoe Size: Your shoe size is an important factor in choosing the proper board width. Generally, the smaller the shoe, the smaller the board width, and vice versa. If you have smaller feet and wear kids sizes from 4 to 6, start out with a deck width of 7 to 7.5 inches. If you wear adult shoes size 8 to 12, pick skate decks that are between 7.75" and 8.25" (8" is often a great middle ground starting point if you are unsure) .

  • Height: Taller riders may prefer wider boards, while shorter riders may prefer narrower boards. As a general rule, if youre mini, youll want to skate a smaller board. If youre a taller adult, you should be skating a full-size board.

  • Weight: Being a heavier skater may require a wider board to provide more stability.

Here is a chart with basic sizing recommendations based on shoe size:

Deck size (inches) Age Height US shoe size (men) US shoe size (women)
7 - 7.375 Under 6 35" or less 3-3.5 4.5-5.0
7.375 - 8.0 6 to 12 35" to 52" 4–6 5.5–7.5
8.0 - 8.25 13 and older 53" and over 6.5–9 8–10.5
8.0+ Adults 53" and over 9.5 and over 11 and over

Remember that these are just guidelines, and personal preference is the most important factor in choosing the right size skateboard. Dont be afraid to try out different sizes to find out what works best for you.

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