what state has the most cows

what state has the most cows

1 year ago 36

Texas has the most cows of all 50 US states, with a population of 4,475,000 cows. The top 10 states with the most cows are:

  1. Texas - 4,475,000
  2. Oklahoma - 2,131,000
  3. Missouri - 1,941,000
  4. Nebraska - 1,832,000
  5. South Dakota - 1,610,000
  6. Kansas - 1,422,000
  7. Montana - 1,299,000
  8. Kentucky - 966,000
  9. North Dakota - 945,000
  10. Iowa - 925,000

It is worth noting that while Texas has the most cows, there are other states where cows outnumber people. As of 2020, nine states in the USA have more cows than people, with South Dakota having the highest ratio of 4.32 cows per person.

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