what states have grizzly bears

what states have grizzly bears

1 year ago 36

Grizzly bears are found in Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Washington. Historically, they ranged from Alaska to Mexico and from the Pacific Ocean to the Mississippi River, but their numbers were vastly reduced by western expansion. The grizzly population in the United States is limited to these five states. Alaska has the most grizzly bears, with an estimated 30,000. Montana has more brown bears than any state except Alaska. Wyoming is home to around 600 bears, some of which live in Yellowstone National Park. Washington has approximately 500 grizzly bears. Idaho used to be home to many more grizzly bears, but there are now around 80 to 100 in the state.

It is important to note that grizzly bears are listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and their populations are constantly monitored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state biologists.

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