what states is it illegal to collect rain water

what states is it illegal to collect rain water

1 year ago 36

Rainwater harvesting is legal in most states in the US, and in some states, it is even encouraged by the state government as a method for water conservation, stormwater management, and water availability. However, there are some states that have restrictions on rainwater collection. These states are Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. In Colorado, rainwater harvesting is completely illegal, and in Utah, it is illegal to collect rainwater without a permit. In other states, restrictions may include the size of the rainwater harvesting system, the use of a licensed plumber, the need for a permit, or the prohibition of using rainwater for certain purposes. It is recommended to check your states laws regarding water use for further details.

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