what states is it legal to own a raccoon

what states is it legal to own a raccoon

1 year ago 40

It is legal to own a pet raccoon in 16 states in the US, but some states may require a special permit or license before you can keep one as your pet. The states where it is legal to own a pet raccoon are Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. However, some states may have specific regulations and requirements to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals and the community, such as obtaining permits, meeting specific enclosure standards, and adhering to health and safety guidelines. For example, in Michigan, you can keep a raccoon as a pet as long as it meets two qualifications: the ownership of the raccoon has to be approved by a veterinarian, and the owner has to have a wild animal permit. In Florida, you need a Class III Personal Pet No-Cost Permit to keep a raccoon as a pet, and the animal must be purchased from a USDA permitted breeder. In Delaware, it is mandatory to acquire a wildlife rehabilitator permit from the Division of Fish and Wildlife before owning a raccoon. In Vermont and Arkansas, you don’t need a permit, but there are other stipulations to consider. It is important to research your local laws before trying to own a pet raccoon.

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