what stores do money orders

what stores do money orders

1 year ago 40

Money orders can be purchased from a variety of places, including post offices, banking institutions, credit unions, retail establishments like Walmart, and money transfer agencies such as Western Union or MoneyGram. Here is a list of some of the best places to purchase money orders, considering maximum limits and fees:

  1. Banks and Credit Unions
  2. Western Union
  3. MoneyGram locations
  4. Convenience stores
  5. Check-cashing stores
  6. Walmart
  7. Publix

Walmart is one of the most competitive options in terms of price, charging a maximum fee of $0.88, but the exact fees vary by location. Publix charges 85 cents per money order, and there is a $500 limit. The post office charges $2.90 for money orders over $500, and $2 for money orders up to $500. Convenience stores like 7-Eleven offer money orders for up to $500 each, with pricing varying by store. Check-cashing stores like ACE Cash Express sell money orders, but the fees are not published online.

Its important to note that fees and limits can vary by location, so its best to check with the specific store or institution before purchasing a money order.

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