what strand is psychology

what strand is psychology

1 year ago 29

Psychology is not a strand, but rather a field of study that can be pursued through different strands in senior high school (SHS) education. The appropriate strand to choose depends on the type of psychology degree one wishes to pursue. For example, if one wants to pursue a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology, it is recommended to take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand in SHS, as it has science and mathematics subjects required for BS Psychology. On the other hand, if one wants to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology, it is recommended to take the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand in SHS, as it has social science and humanities subjects required for AB Psychology.

It is important to note that the BS in Psychology focuses on mathematical and scientific aspects of psychology, while the BA in Psychology offers more electives than the BS, making it possible to study areas other than psychology-related courses. The BS in Psychology includes additional science and math courses in place of electives, and focuses on statistics, research methods, and data analysis, making it a good choice for students pursuing academic or research-related careers. The BA in Psychology, on the other hand, is meant to prepare students for professional careers related to psychology, and often involves more elective requirements than the typical BS.

In summary, psychology is not a strand, but rather a field of study that can be pursued through different strands in SHS education. The appropriate strand to choose depends on the type of psychology degree one wishes to pursue, with the STEM strand recommended for BS Psychology and the HUMSS strand recommended for AB Psychology.

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