what strand is teacher

what strand is teacher

1 year ago 37

Based on the search results, there are a few different interpretations of the word "teacher" in the context of strands. Here are some possible answers:

  • If you are asking which senior high school strand is suitable for someone who wants to become a teacher, one answer is the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand. According to one of the search results, if you take this strand, you could be looking forward to becoming a teacher someday. However, its worth noting that this is not the only possible path to becoming a teacher, and other strands may also be suitable depending on your interests and goals.

  • If you are asking which strand is specifically called "teacher," there is no such strand mentioned in the search results.

  • If you are asking which strand is related to teaching and learning more broadly, there are a few possibilities. For example, one search result mentions an Accreditation Strand #4 called "Teaching & Learning," which focuses on providing a researched-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students. Another search result mentions a Leadership Strand that focuses on school leadership, including principals, teachers, and students. However, its worth noting that these strands are not specific to becoming a teacher, and may be relevant to other roles in education as well.

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