what takes off fake tattoos

what takes off fake tattoos

1 year ago 29

There are several ways to remove temporary tattoos without damaging your skin. Here are some methods:

  1. Rubbing alcohol: Apply rubbing alcohol to the tattoo and then scrub it off with a washcloth.
  2. Nail polish remover: Use nail polish remover to break up the tattoo. Apply a small amount of it onto a cotton ball or piece of paper towel and use the same procedure as outlined when using a chemical remover.
  3. Oil-based products: Apply a generous amount of baby oil, coconut oil, or petroleum jelly to the temporary tattoo and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then, use a dry cotton ball to scrub away the tattoo. You may need a few cotton balls depending on the size of the tattoo. Wipe clean with a baby wipe or wash with soap and water.
  4. Exfoliating body scrub: Use sugar and oil scrubs to remove stubborn temporary tattoos. Brown sugar is especially effective where oil-based removers are not. Exfoliators break up the temporary tattoo and help to remove dead skin and encourage the growth of new cells.
  5. Hair spray: Hair spray has elements that can break up a temporary tattoo. Leave the spray to sit in place for a while. After it dries out from the application area, use a soft towel to rub the tattoo until it peels off. Wash the area and apply a moisturizer.

Its important to note that overusing some of these products can cause skin irritation and dryness. Therefore, its best to avoid them altogether if possible. If you experience skin irritation, wash and moisturize the area afterward. Also, do a patch test for any product youre not already familiar with.

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