Determining which tarot card you are requires taking a quiz that matches your personality traits with the symbolism of the tarot cards. Here are some websites that offer quizzes to help you find out which tarot card you are:
Astrology Answers: This quiz matches your zodiac sign with a Major or Minor Arcana card.
BuzzFeed: This quiz asks you to choose a crystal and matches your choice with a tarot card.
wikiHow: This quiz asks about your personality traits to determine which tarot card resonates with your soul and essence.
- This quiz asks a variety of questions to determine which tarot card you are.
BrainFall: This quiz matches your personality with the symbolism of popular tarot cards like The Chariot, The Moon, and The Empress.
Quiz Expo: This quiz asks 20 simple questions to reveal which tarot card symbol matches your personality.
Taking one or more of these quizzes can help you determine which tarot card you are.