what temp do cats get cold

what temp do cats get cold

1 year ago 37

Cats can get cold when the temperature drops below a certain level, and it is important to recognize the signs of hypothermia or frostbite. Here is what the search results say about the temperature at which cats get cold:

  • The normal body temperature range for a cat is 99 to 102.5°F, which is similar to that of humans.
  • Cats need to maintain a body temperature of above 90°F to ward off hypothermia.
  • Cats are very adaptable creatures, but they are not able to grab a sweater or blanket if they are cold.
  • Cats prefer warmth but will be okay in rooms hovering between 50-60°F, although this is not ideal for them.
  • About 70°F is an ideal indoor temperature for cats.
  • Anything 45°F and below is too cold for outdoor cats, so they need protection from the harsh temperatures.

It is important to note that the lowest safe temperature for a cat will depend on factors such as breed, coat, age, health, and weather factors. If it is too cold for you outside, it is too cold for your cat, and you should provide them with a way to get warm if they are outdoors. Signs that your cat is cold include cold ears and paws, shivering, and lethargy.

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