what temp kills bed bugs

what temp kills bed bugs

1 year ago 112

Bed bugs can be killed by exposure to extreme temperatures. The temperature required to kill bed bugs depends on the life stage of the bed bug. Here are the recommended temperatures and times for killing bed bugs:

  • Bed bug eggs: Bed bug eggs require a temperature of at least 113°F for a full 60 minutes to ensure 100% mortality.

  • Young and adult bed bugs: Adult bed bugs will die if they are exposed to a temperature of 113°F for 15 minutes or more, or in just 20 minutes if exposed to a temperature of 118°F.

Its important to note that safety should always be considered when deciding whether to treat bed bugs with heat or cold. Freezing cold temperatures can be used to kill bed bugs by putting infested objects, such as bedding or pillows, in a sealed plastic bag and then placing them in a freezer at 0°F for about four days. Some infested objects can be safely baked in the oven at temperatures of 125°F for three to five hours to get rid of the pests. It's important to follow recommended guidelines and safety precautions when using heat or cold to kill bed bugs.

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