what temp should a hot tub be

what temp should a hot tub be

1 year ago 43

The ideal temperature for a hot tub varies depending on personal preference, age, and health. However, there are some recommended guidelines to keep in mind. The majority of hot tub users prefer a water temperature in the range of 100°F-102°F. The standard maximum temperature is 104°F, which some users also prefer. It is important to note that temperatures above 104°F are dangerous for adults because they can lead to heatstroke. Children under age 5 should not be in hot tubs over 95°F, and should only remain in hot tubs for 5-10 minutes at a time. Pregnant women should consult a physician before getting in the hot tub, and the recommended temperature for them is 100°F or lower.

It is recommended to start with a lower temperature and gradually raise it to find the ideal temperature that gives the best experience. Once you find a temperature that everyone agrees on, keep it within that range, as continuously raising and lowering the heat can increase operational costs and add wear. During hot summer months, some people prefer to drop the temperature to around 95°F for a refreshing soak.

In summary, the ideal temperature for a hot tub is a matter of personal preference, but most people prefer a temperature between 100°F-102°F, and the standard maximum temperature is 104°F. It is important to consider age, health, and safety guidelines when setting the temperature.

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