what temp to grill hot dogs

what temp to grill hot dogs

1 year ago 41

To grill hot dogs, it is important to preheat the grill to a lower temperature than you would normally think. All-beef hot dogs do best in medium-low heat, or between 250°F and 325°F. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Preheat your grill to a temperature between 250°F and 325°F.
  2. Vent your hot dogs in several places by puncturing them with a fork or knife to avoid bursting on the grill.
  3. Place your hot dogs on the grill away from direct heat, avoiding hot spots for most of their cooking time.
  4. Cook the hot dogs for 5 to 7 minutes for standard beef franks, 7 to 10 minutes for jumbo franks, and 15 minutes for quarter-pound franks.
  5. Rotate the hot dogs every 30 seconds to cook them evenly.
  6. Check the internal temperature of the hot dogs with a meat thermometer and pull them off the heat when they reach a temperature of 160°F.
  7. Toast the hot dog buns by brushing them with melted butter and placing them on the grill until warm.
  8. Add your favorite toppings and enjoy.
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