what temperature are refrigerators

what temperature are refrigerators

1 year ago 37

The ideal temperature range for a refrigerator is between 35°F and 38°F (or 1.7°C to 3.3°C) . The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends keeping the refrigerator temperature at or below 40°F (4.4°C) to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that can cause foodborne illnesses, such as salmonella, listeria, and E. coli. A general purpose domestic fridge should be at around 1-4°C (so, just above the freezing point, and below 5°C) .

Its important to note that the temperature controls on many refrigerators only allow you to choose from a series of numbers, usually 1 through 5, with 1 being the coldest and 5 being the warmest. However, even when refrigerators have digital controls for setting precise temperatures, the settings aren’t always accurate. Therefore, its recommended to use a refrigerator thermometer to ensure that the temperature is within the ideal range.

In summary, the ideal temperature for a refrigerator is between 35°F and 38°F (or 1.7°C to 3.3°C), and it should be kept at or below 40°F (4.4°C) to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that can cause foodborne illnesses.

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