what temperature does candle wax melt

what temperature does candle wax melt

1 year ago 36

The temperature at which candle wax melts depends on the type of wax being used. Paraffin wax, which is commonly used in candles, has a melting temperature of 99°F (37°C) . Soy wax melts at a slightly lower temperature, ranging from 49-82°C (120-180°F) . Beeswax has a higher melting temperature than paraffin, ranging from 62-65°C (144-147°F) . Gel wax has a higher melting point, at 82°C (180°F) . It is important to monitor the temperature of the wax while melting it to avoid damaging or destroying the final product. A thermometer can be used to monitor the temperature of the wax.

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