The ideal temperature for a house in winter depends on several factors, including personal preference, the level of winterization in the home, and the presence of infants, elderly individuals, or immunocompromised people. Here are some recommended temperature ranges based on different scenarios:
When people are in the home: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends setting your thermostat no lower than 64 degrees Fahrenheit (F) in the winter months while people are in the home. If there are infants or elderly individuals, they recommend keeping the temperature at 70 degrees at a minimum.
When sleeping: Many people like their homes (or at least their bedrooms) to be cooler than 64 degrees F. If everyone in the household is comfortable with going lower than 64 degrees F while sleeping, then it is okay to do so.
When the house is vacant: The recommended range is 50°F-60°F. The better the winterization in your home, the lower you can go, but 50°F is the lowest you should go. To be on the safe side, 55°F-60°F is wise. This is to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting.
When leaving for the day: Drop the temperature down to 58°F. This is where a programmable or Wi-Fi thermostat comes in handy so that it will automatically warm back up before you get home.
It is important to note that excessively cold temperatures in your home can actually raise your blood pressure, cause mold and mildew growth, and increase aggravation from allergies. Additionally, poorly insulated attics and unheated basements need consideration, and exposed pipes should be insulated.