what temperature should a hot tub be

what temperature should a hot tub be

1 year ago 38

The ideal temperature for a hot tub varies depending on personal preference, age, and health. However, most hot tub users prefer a water temperature in the range of 100°F-102°F, while 104°F is the standard maximum temperature that some users also prefer. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that the water temperature of a hot tub should not exceed 104°F for healthy adults, as temperatures above 104°F can lead to heatstroke. Children under age 5 should not be in hot tubs over 95°F, and should only remain in hot tubs for 5-10 minutes at a time. Pregnant women should consult a physician before getting in the hot tub, and the recommended hot tub temperature for pregnant women is just 100°F. If youre exercising in your hot tub, doing stretches or yoga, or if the outdoor temperature is high, or if you yourself are overheated from exercise or illness, you should consider dropping the water temperature by a few degrees. Its important to find a temperature that gives you the best experience, and once youve settled on your ideal temperature, you can fully unlock the healing power of hot water to treat everything from muscle pain to insomnia.

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