what temperature should beer be stored at

what temperature should beer be stored at

1 year ago 43

The ideal temperature range for storing beer is between 32-40 degrees Fahrenheit (0-4 degrees Celsius) . However, for most craft beers, the ideal minimum temperature is in the low to mid-40s, while for hearty yeast or hop-forward ales, it should be a bit warmer. For even more adventurous styles, such as lambics or imperial stouts infused with flavors of oak, bourbon, chocolate, coffee, or vanilla, the temperature should be warmer still, arguably as high as the upper 50s. To prevent flavor loss and make sure beer tastes exactly like it should, it should be kept at a steady 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (10 – 13 Celsius), which is known as the “cellar temperature” . Beer stored at 38°F will retain the level of carbonation that was created during the brewing process.

In summary, beer should be stored at a temperature range of 32-55 degrees Fahrenheit (0-13 Celsius), depending on the type of beer. It is important to store beer in a cool, dark place away from light, and to avoid storing it at temperatures below freezing or above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 Celsius) .

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