what temperature to wrap brisket

what temperature to wrap brisket

1 year ago 34

Most barbecue experts recommend wrapping brisket when it reaches an internal temperature of 165-170 degrees Fahrenheit. However, some pitmasters wrap based on just the appearance of the bark. The stall can occur anywhere between 150° and 180°F (65.6° to 76.7°C), so it makes sense to visually check on the brisket when it has plateaued in that temperature range. Once the meat temperature reaches around 140-145°F, it will quit taking smoke. If you prefer a good bark, you can wrap the brisket when the bark is ready and the outer fat is rendered, which could be around 180°F.

In summary, the temperature to wrap brisket is around 165-170°F, but it can also depend on personal preference and the appearance of the bark.

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