After an ice bath, it is important to take certain steps to ensure that you get the most out of the cold therapy and avoid any negative effects. Here are some tips on what to do after an ice bath:
Get out safely: When getting out of the ice bath, make sure to do so safely. You may feel a bit off balance, so its a good idea to have something nearby to help anchor you as you stand up, such as a wall or a chair.
Warm up naturally: Avoid immediately taking a hot shower or going somewhere with the heat turned up. Instead, warm up naturally from your own bodys heat production or "thermogenesis." After you safely get up from the cold plunge, dry yourself properly and maybe have a towel on for an extra layer of warmth. First-time ice bathers should have more towels nearby in case it takes too long to warm up.
Exercise: You may find that after the dopamine and energy boost from the ice bath, you can work out with renewed vigor from the adrenaline rush of the cold shock. Also, if you worked out yesterday or even right before the ice bath, you can see the rejuvenating effects on recovery and performance you can get after some deliberate cold exposure.
Gentle movement: Engage in gentle movements post-ice bath, such as light stretching, walking, or even a session of yoga. This can promote blood flow, which aids in the removal of metabolic waste and facilitates muscle recovery. Avoid intense workouts immediately after the plunge, as your muscles may still be adjusting to the shock of cold exposure.
Rehydrate and refuel: Drink plenty of water and consume foods that are rich in healthy fats, protein, and iron, such as eggs, to help you warm up and aid in muscle recovery.
Avoid taking a hot shower: Resist the urge to immediately jump in a hot shower after your ice bath. Youll get the most benefit if you slowly and naturally warm your body.
Dress warmly: After the ice bath, wrap yourself in a cozy towel or robe and wear warm, comfortable clothing immediately to help retain body heat and initiate a gentle warming process.
By following these tips, you can maximize the benefits of your ice bath and avoid any negative effects.