After dethatching your lawn, it is important to take the following steps to promote its recovery and ensure it remains lush and green:
Remove the thatch layer: After dethatching, rake up the newly exposed thatch. You can either throw the thatch away or use it for compost.
Water the lawn: Water the lawn thoroughly to aid in its recovery process. Although the lawn may initially appear ragged, it will soon regrow and become even greener than before.
Mow the lawn: After dethatching, it is recommended to mow the lawn to clean things up.
Aerate the lawn: It is a great time to aerate your lawn after dethatching. Aeration helps to promote better airflow and nutrient absorption.
Fertilize and overseed: Fertilizing at this time is also important. This will help your lawn recover and get much-needed nutrients. Additionally, it is a great time to overseed your lawn if youre looking to fill in bare spots or incorporate new seed since the surface of your lawn will be opened up which creates good seed to soil contact.
It is important to note that you should not dethatch your lawn immediately after fertilization since dethatchers can damage the fertilizer you just applied on your lawn.