what to do for broken pinky toe

what to do for broken pinky toe

1 year ago 46

When dealing with a broken pinky toe, there are several steps you can take for self-care at home. These steps include:

  1. Buddy Taping: Wrap tape around the injured toe and the toe next to it to keep the toe stable. Place a small wad of cotton between your toes to prevent tissues from becoming too moist. Change the cotton daily.

  2. Footwear: It may be painful to wear a regular shoe, so your doctor can provide a stiff-bottomed shoe to protect your toe and make room for swelling. Once the swelling has gone down, wear a solid, stable shoe to protect your toe.

  3. RICE Method: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation. For the first 24 hours, ice your toe for 20 minutes every hour you are awake, then 2 to 3 times a day. Keep your foot raised to help keep swelling down.

  4. Pain Management: Take pain medicine if necessary. For pain, you can use ibuprofen or naproxen. However, if you have certain medical conditions, its important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking these medications.

Its important to note that if you have a severe injury, such as breaks that cause the toe to be crooked, open wounds, or injuries that involve the big toe, you should seek medical help. In some cases, surgery may be necessary, especially if tiny pieces of bone break off and prevent the bone from healing properly.

Remember that if you suspect a broken pinky toe, its best to see a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and a thorough treatment plan.

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