what to do if my dog is constipated

what to do if my dog is constipated

1 year ago 35

If your dog is constipated, there are several things you can do to help relieve their discomfort. However, if the constipation persists for more than 48 hours or if your dog shows signs of discomfort or vomiting, you should schedule a veterinary appointment right away to find the cause.

Here are some home remedies you can try to relieve your dogs constipation:

  • Pumpkin puree: Pumpkin is high in fiber and can help regulate your dogs digestive system. You can mix a tablespoon of pumpkin puree into your dogs food.
  • Canned dog food: Canned dog food is also high in moisture and can help soften your dogs stool.
  • Dietary fiber supplements: These supplements will increase fiber in your dogs body, which will help promote bowel movements. However, make sure to talk to your vet first before giving your dog any supplements.

In addition to these home remedies, you can also try the following:

  • Exercise: Take your dog for long walks to get their bowels moving and stimulate a healthy movement. Exercises like running, fetch, and chase are great ways to promote a healthy digestive tract.
  • Stool softeners: You can consult with your vet regarding laxatives, such as docusate sodium, to help your dog go potty. It will help your dogs intestines absorb more water, which can help support their gastrointestinal system.
  • More water: Make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water to help keep their stool soft and easy to pass.

It is important to pay attention to your dogs daily bowel movements. Constipation should resolve within 48 hours if your dog gets enough water, daily exercise, and a well-balanced diet. If it does not, you should schedule a veterinary appointment right away to find the cause.

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