If you are involved in a fender bender, its important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to ensure everyones safety and to protect yourself legally and financially. Here are some helpful tips from the search results:
Stop and get to safety: First and foremost, stop your car and make sure you are in a safe location away from traffic.
Check for injuries: Check yourself and others involved in the accident for injuries. Call 911 if someone needs medical attention.
Call the police: Call the police to report the accident and any injuries. The police may send an officer to the scene or direct you to the station to file a report. Be sure to ask how you can get a copy of the police report, as your insurance company will likely need it.
Exchange information: Share insurance, contact, and vehicle information with any other drivers involved in the accident. Take pictures, note accident details, and jot down the names and phone numbers of any witnesses. It can also be helpful to take notes about the accident, including details such as what occurred, road conditions, and relevant details of the scene.
Contact your insurance company: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the accident and file a claim. They will guide you through the process and help you understand your coverage.
Remember, even if the damage seems minor, its important to take these steps to protect yourself legally and financially.