There are plenty of things to do in Washington, DC this weekend. Here are some options:
National Mall: Visit the National Mall, which has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars from over 134,000 ratings on Google Maps.
Theatre Week: Celebrate the theatre season in the Washington, DC region with a weeks-long promotion (Sept. 21 to Oct. 8) from TheatreWashington, including $20, $40 and $60 tickets to highly anticipated productions at venues all over the DMV area. There are musicals, dramas, comedies, theatre for young audiences and much more. In addition to discounted tickets, Theatre Week also includes special events designed to entertain, educate and inspire, including the free Kickoff Fest on Sept. 23.
Walking Tours: Events DC showcases the incredible walkability of the nation’s capital during this free, week-long public tour program. In total, dozens of guided walking tours will be held throughout the District, including neighborhood showcases, themed excursions, historical journeys and many more. Historians, licensed tour guides, community leaders and business owners, among others, host these adventures that will take you to both well-known and hidden gems across DC.
DC Halloween Crawl 2023: Attend the DC Halloween Crawl 2023 on Saturday, October 28th.
Art All Night: Attend Art All Night, a citywide free art festival that takes place on Friday and Saturday nights, where all eight wards of the city will churn out visual and performing arts events in both indoor spaces and in the streets, bringing local businesses and restaurants to join in. Therell be different events in each neighborhood—from poetry readings to dance performances to craft activities for kids and more.
Washingtonian: Check out Washingtonians website for more ideas on things to do in Washington, DC, including fun things to do, whats happening in Washington, DC this weekend, and things to do with kids.