what to do on prophet muhammad birthday

what to do on prophet muhammad birthday

1 year ago 38

The celebration of Prophet Muhammads birthday, also known as Mawlid, is a way for Muslims to express their love for him, follow his Sunnah, and learn from his life. Here are some ways to celebrate the Prophets birthday:

  • Recite durood and send blessings to Prophet Muhammad: This is one of the most important things to do on the Prophets birthday. Muslims can recite shalawat and send blessings to Prophet Muhammad to express their gratitude and respect for him.

  • Read Quran: Muslims can express their gratitude and respect for the Prophet Muhammad by reading the Quran. By reading the Quran, Muslims can understand more deeply the struggle of the Prophet for the spread of Islam.

  • Learn more about the Prophet: Another important practice for the Prophets birthday is to learn more about him, spend time in his remembrance, and teach children about what happened when Prophet Muhammad was born. Muslims have access to an ocean of resources to learn about the Prophet and his life, including through books of hadith, the sirah, and online classes and videos made for both children and adults alike.

  • Do good deeds: Muslims should follow the Prophets example and follow his advice by being thankful for all the blessings that Allah has sent us. Muslims can commemorate the birth, death, and life of the Prophet by doing good deeds, such as feeding the poor, attending lectures about the Prophets life and virtues, participating in marches, and reciting the Quran, litanies, and devotional poetry of the Prophet.

It is important to note that celebrating the Prophets birthday is a controversial topic in Islam, and some Muslims refuse to participate in this observance, feeling it is an innovation which places too much emphasis on the Prophet as human and distracts from the true divine source of revelation. However, Muslims who choose to celebrate the Prophets birthday should avoid exceeding the limits by equating the Prophet with Allah, attributing divine powers to him, or taking him as an intermediary in worship.

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