what to do the day before a marathon

what to do the day before a marathon

1 year ago 69

Here are some things you can do the day before a marathon, according to the search results:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is important, so drink plenty of water the day before the race. If youre properly hydrated, your urine should be light yellow.

  2. Eat what you normally would: Stick to meals you like and are used to, and opt for carbohydrate-rich options.

  3. Follow your routine: Stick to your usual routine and don't try anything new on race day.

  4. Rest: Rest is key to preparing for the marathon, so try to get more rest than usual and go to bed earlier in the days immediately preceding the race.

  5. Pick up your packet: Pick up your race packet and attend the expo.

  6. Plan your race day parking and travel: Make sure you know where you're going and how you're getting there on race day.

  7. Get your legs moving: Take a short walk or light jog to shake things out and get your legs moving.

  8. Prepare your race day fueling: Plan out what you'll eat and drink on race day, and make sure you have everything you need.

  9. Enjoy a good meal: Your biggest main meal should be two nights before the race, not the night before. Eat well the night before, but avoid eating too close to bedtime.

  10. Drink little and often: Drink little and often just before the race.

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