what to do to gain weight

what to do to gain weight

10 months ago 31

Gaining weight can be challenging for some people, but there are healthy ways to do it. Here are some tips from reputable sources:

  • Increase caloric intake: Eating more calories than your body needs is the most important thing you can do to gain weight. You can determine your calorie needs using a calorie calculator. Adults could try adding around 300 to 500 extra calories a day.

  • Eat nutrient-dense foods: Instead of eating empty calories and junk food, eat foods that are rich in nutrients. Consider high-protein meats, which can help you build muscle. Also, choose nutritious carbohydrates, such as brown rice and other whole grains.

  • Eat smaller meals more often: If youre struggling with a poor appetite, eating large amounts of food may not seem appealing. Consider eating smaller meals throughout the day to increase your calorie intake.

  • Add healthy snacks between meals: Snacks that are easy to prepare, such as yogurt or rice pudding, can help you add extra calories to your diet.

  • Strength training: Building muscle through strength training or yoga can help you gain weight.

  • Avoid sugary drinks: Avoid beverages with few nutrients or calories, such as diet soda. Instead, try high-calorie, nutritious smoothies and shakes.

Its important to note that gaining weight should be done gradually and with a focus on nutrient-dense foods that support the body. If youre having difficulty gaining weight or experiencing unexplained weight loss, its important to speak with a doctor to rule out any underlying health conditions.

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