what to do with ancient fruit stardew

what to do with ancient fruit stardew

1 year ago 36

Ancient Fruit is a fruit crop that grows from Ancient Seeds after 28 days. Once the plant is mature, it yields another Ancient Fruit every 7 days. The seeds can be obtained from a variety of sources. Here are some things you can do with Ancient Fruit:

  • Sell it: Ancient Fruit is a high-value crop, and selling it can be a great way to make money. The base price for one Ancient Fruit is 550g, but the price can be increased with the Tiller profession.

  • Process it: You can process Ancient Fruit into wine or jam to make even more money. If you have kegs or casks, you can use them to turn Ancient Fruit into wine. One Ancient Fruit will sell for 550g, but if you wine it, its worth 2310g with the Artisan profession. Casking is a little less efficient, making it worth 66g/day total.

  • Use it for bundles: Five gold quality Ancient Fruit are an option for The Missing Bundle in the abandoned JojaMart, and Ancient Fruit is one of the options for Rare Crops Bundle in the Pantry (Remixed) .

  • Use it for tailoring: Ancient Fruit can be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Genie Pants.

  • Grow more: If you have a greenhouse, Ancient Fruit is ideal for it. If you dont have a greenhouse, you can plant Ancient Seeds in the spring outside and have a highly profitable multiple harvest crop for 3 seasons.

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