Bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown insects that feed on blood and can cause itchy welts on the skin. If you have a bed bug infestation, there are several things you can do to get rid of them:
Vacuum regularly: Vacuum your bed and the area around it every day, including windows and molding. Afterward, put the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place it in the garbage outdoors right away.
Use bed bug interceptor traps: These can be placed under the legs of furniture to catch bed bugs and keep them from climbing the legs. Both commercial and do-it-yourself interceptors are options. Follow the directions to create your interceptor traps.
Use a protective cover on your mattress and box springs: Put a tightly woven, zippered cover on your mattress and box springs to keep bed bugs from entering or escaping. Bed bugs can live several months without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year.
Reduce clutter: Get rid of clutter around your bed, and move your bed away from your walls and other furniture.
Wash and dry infested items: Wash everything in hot water (above 120 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill bugs and eggs. If the items aren’t otherwise dirty, you don’t need to wash them first. After washing, put them in a hot dryer for 30 minutes to kill any bugs or eggs.
Seal up any open areas: Glue down loose wallpaper, caulk cracks in furniture and around baseboards, and tape up open electrical outlets. Move your bed at least 6 inches away from the wall so bed bugs cannot climb on.
Consider professional treatment: Getting rid of bed bugs completely often requires chemical treatments. Make sure you use only pesticides that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and whose labels say theyre meant to control bed bugs. Its usually best to hire a professional exterminator who has experience with bed bugs.
Remember that getting rid of bed bugs can be a difficult and time-consuming process. It may take several weeks or even months to completely eliminate them.